Politicians Must stop ‘normalising language of the far-right’ to tackle terror

An article in the Metro featuring comments from Nick Lowles, founder of the charity Hope not Hate, has stated that in order to stop the growing threat of far-right extremism, politicians must stop using inflammatory language when talking about immigrants, Muslims and other minorities.

The comments come at the same time as a speech by Neil Basu who named far-right extremism the fastest growing terrorist threat. Mr Lowles noted that when politicians talk negatively, it normalises the rhetoric of the far-right.

In addition to discussing the language used by politicians, Mr Lowles also discussed the need to tackle homelessness and deprivation. He said that feelings of feelings of hopelessness and despair stemming from homelessness and deprivation often lead to extremism, as far-right groups often target feelings of alienation and despair.

Source: The Metro